The Secret Agent Society Program

Child Sessions

11 Sessions - 90 minutes per session

In small groups of 3-4 Children with 1 facilitator, on Telehealth over zoom- this will be great fun.

Parent Sessions

4 - 120 minutes per session

We will keep you up to date on all that your child is learn so you can help apply these skills at home.

Benefit’s of SAS Program

  • With more than 20 publications including 4 Randomised Control Trials completed over the past 14 years, the SAS Small Group Program has a substantial evidence base underpinning its engaging and fun approach.

    For more information regarding the evidence. Go to

  • The SAS Small Group Program is an integrated, holistic approach to diversifying life skills not just in an individual child, but also their adult support network. Parents and Mentors (including teachers) learn the same espionage-themed codes and tools to empower whole-of-community development

  • Assessment, group planning and delivery is streamlined and easy, with integrated scheduling and assessment tools, pre-populated program content and fully-digitised interactive resources all at the SAS Facilitator's fingertips through the SAS online platform.

  • All that is needed is a compatible device and internet connection to connect to the SAS digital health platform for joining group meetings, accessing content and completing assessments - all possible via telehealth!

Emotional & Social Skills Building

Every session is broken down into simple, easy to learn steps which will help your child learn the new skills.

Simple Steps

We make sure that as all new skills are learned in a effective way through fun games, questionnaires and practice skits.

In a Fun Way

We want to help prepare your children in all areas of life, so these skills can be performed at home, school and more.

Within a Supported Environment

We want to partner with parents and teachers to help create opportunities for the new skills to be practiced in all spaces.

Collaboration & Partnership

We make learning fun so it’s engaging and enjoyable for all.

Through Effective Ways

We make sure that every skill we practice is in a safe and supportive environment.

In all area’s of life

The Secret Agent Society Course teaches…

  • Recognising emotions in others

  • Recognising their own emotions

  • Express their thoughts and feelings in an appropriate & calm manner

  • Know strategies to handle feelings of anger and anxiety

  • Communicate with others in a healthy way

  • Playing with others well by learning how to take turns and negotiate

  • Learn how to handle mistakes, transitions, surprises and unexpected problems

  • Strategies to building and maintaining friendships

  • Knowing how to deal with day-to-day issues that come up in friendships

  • Recognising differences between playful joking and actual bullying

  • Strategies for prevention and handling of bullying and teasing

Secret Agent Society is a breakthrough social skills approach for children (AGED 8-12) with ASD or any social needs and emotional skills. Created by Clinical Psychologist Dr Renae Beaumont, this course takes a fun, in-depth approach to learning at it works@ Being used by children and professionals worldwide, your child will learn new skills to help support them through life’s different social and emotional challenges. 

Package Pricing

What’s included?

  • Intake interview & assessments

  • 11 x 90 minute child group program sessions

  • (9 weekly sessions and 2 follow up sessions)

  • 4 x 2 hour parent group sessions

  • Secret Agent Society Software Package.

  • Meetings/Communication with your child's school .

NDIS Funding Options

Self-managed families & plan-managed families

NDIS funding may be used if the family are self-managed or plan-managed.

  • Please note that for participants with plan-managed NDIS there may be an out of pocket expense for the family for people on some types of plans.

  • Payment can be payed in part of full depending upon the client’s needs.

Total program cost

Cost: $1820 (Everything in the Course) & SAS digital Subscription

Investment: 14 payments of $130 per invoice NDIS rate/private rate.

Plus 1.5 hours to cover arranging/providing SAS digital subscription (subscription cost is $203.50).

Start Now.

What Are You Waiting For?