What’s in the name?

The word ‘Haven,’ in the context that we’ve used it, as our banner and business name comes from the Jewish definition of the word. A haven is a place where ships come to escape the storms, rest, recuperate, replenish and return to the seas. This really resonated with myself and my husband because that’s our aim: to create a safe place for people, their children and families to come, escape from the storm of life for a while and be restored and replenished to take on the world again. This might look different for everyone as we aim to meet you exactly where you’re at and support, equip and empower you to take on the world with confidence and assurances that you’ll succeed.

We aim to create a space where you can get away from the business of life, learn about yourself and upskill so that you can continue to increase your independence and ability to take life by the horns. That’s also why we have based our model on Telehealth as our primary service provision. You can meet with us in the comfort of your own home and it’s very easy to schedule our services around your life. 

Although the word rest and therapy doesn’t always come hand in hand, our idea of rest is for you to feel at ease with our therapists and staff. Knowing that they’re on your side, advocating for you and believing in you to achieve your goals. We want you to experience a sense of “ahh, I’m okay because I know the staff at Haven OT have got my back” and we do! We’re about building a team of people around you to ensure you’re getting the best care possible and that we’re meeting your needs with you at the helm of the decision making process. 

To recuperate is to regain things that might have been lost, recover from previous injury or illness and regain your strength to start again. We are committed to helping you reobtain your confidence, self-assurance and additional life skills that will enable you to take on life again. Not only that, we’re committed to the healing process that takes place when we, as human beings, start to recuperate from previous hurts and we’re committed to walking with you 100% of the way. 

To be replenished is to feel ready again, to feel prepared to take on the world with the confidence and skills you have gained during your time with Haven OT. You will know when you’re ready to ‘return’ because you’ll no longer be afraid of the storms that can sometimes be thrown at us by life. The good news is that Haven OT will always be here for you when they do and if you find yourself needing to rest, recuperate and replenish, we’ll be right where you left us. 

We are all about creating a place for you to feel safe, respected, heard and encouraged to be who you are. We are all about creating your ‘Haven.’


What is Occupational Therapy?