Haven Occupational Therapy

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Why Telehealth?

There are multiple Allied Health and other Health professionals around the world using Telehealth - this isn’t a new thing! With that in mind, all of us health professionals are all about our evidence-based services, so we wouldn’t be offering a different service delivery option that:

A - we didn’t see the value in and;

B - there wasn’t an evidence-base surrounding the effectiveness of this type of service model.

Telehealth has proven to be effective for clients who live in rural, remote and regional areas as it allows you to access health professionals from the comfort of your own home.

See the below list for some of the enablers of Telehealth:

  • No travel time for clinicians or clients

  • No travel costs

  • Easy access through online platforms

  • Access to Telehealth groups and programs

  • High quality service

  • Increased options for multi-disciplinary approaches to client care

  • Proven to improve therapy outcomes for all ages

  • Decreased wait times

  • Reduced likelihood of clients missing and clinicians being late to appointments

  • Increased client outcomes because clients are responsible for implementing interventions inside and outside of session times

  • Ongoing and easy rapport building

  • Increased and easy access for clients who experience social anxiety

And the list goes on! If you have questions that weren’t answered here, please fill in our contact form and we would love to spend the time with you to address your concerns.

You can also do some research of your own by simply typing in Google: ‘evidence-base of Telehealth.’

We look forward to working alongside you as you start your Telehealth journey with Haven Occupational Therapy.